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I graduated from the Royal Dick School of Veterinary medicine, University of Edinburgh in 2008 and I started my career in Ireland and then set about on an equine reproduction adventure which has taken me to Australia, UK, USA and Saudi Arabia. I completed a residency in Equine Reproduction at the University of Liverpool, during which time I set up the first commercial equine intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) centre in the UK in collaboration with Twemlows stud farm. The first ICSI foal was born in 2015.
I am a diplomate of both the American College of Theriogenology and the European College of Animal Reproduction. Most recently I completed a PhD entitled "A metabolic approach towards optimising equine in vitro maturation" which was a collaborative BBSRC funded project between the University of Liverpool, University of Manchester and Texas A&M University.
As of June 2021 I am now based at University College Dublin as Assistant Professor in Equine Reproduction.
47 minutes
How to perform in vitro embryo production (IVEP) and assess embryo development and quality
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