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How to identify and treat equine metritis

Jen has a PhD and is a Registered Specialist in Veterinary Reproduction and a Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenology.

Jen completed a degree in Agriculture followed by the study towards her PhD in Equine reproduction at the University of Sydney investigating sex preselection of stallion spermatozoa. Jen then completed a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at Murdoch University. She has undertaken a veterinary equine internship at Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital and residency training and research in equine reproduction at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga. She joined the Scone Equine Group in 2014 working in their Denman, Scone, and Tamworth practices, managing the Tamworth facility between 2017-2019. Jen has also worked abroad in the United States at Hagyard Equine Medical in Kentucky and Colorado State University. Jen has returned to Charles Sturt University in 2021 to take up a clinical teaching role at the Veterinary Clinical Centre. Her clinical interests include all forms of equine assisted reproduction in the problem mare and stallion.


24 minutes




Problems of Pregnancy

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