ISER Global Education is part of the International Society for Equine Reproduction, a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1974. This group of equine veterinarians and research scientists recognised a lack of first-class continuing education resources in equine reproduction for veterinarians throughout the world. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive catalogue of “How to…” webinars aimed at enhancing core knowledge and clinical skill development on all aspects of Equine Reproduction. All webinars are easily accessible on multiple platforms, including mobile devices, at prices based on a tiered cost of living index.

ISER's voluntary, independent “How to…” webinar speakers are world-renowned experts in their respective fields of equine reproduction, encompassing the Mare, Stallion, Foal and Assisted Reproductive Techniques. All webinars have been reviewed by Professors Angus O. McKinnon, Rana Bozorgmanesh, Pat McCue, Ed L. Squires and Tom A.E. Stout.

Our target audience is veterinarians, ranging from final year students through to early career or experienced clinicians who need to learn a specific skill or refresh their knowledge. The project is generously funded by our Industry and Veterinary Partners and Charities to which ISER would like to express their thanks - please take a moment to visit their web pages.

To download a comprehensive overview of all available, upcoming and planned webinars click here.
