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How to manage pneumovagina in the mare

Dr. Etta Bradecamp graduated Veterinary School from Auburn University in 1999.   After working as an associate veterinarian at Keswick Equine Clinic in Virginia for four years she completed an equine practice  residency at LSU School of Veterinary Medicine and Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital in Victoria, Australia.  After returning to practice in Virginia for four years Dr. Bradecamp joined the Rood & Riddle team in 2011 as an Associate.  She has held numerous distinguished positions within the Northeast Association of Equine Practitioners (NAEP) such as serving on the Board of Directors, Vice President and President.  Dr. Bradecamp is also a member of the AVMA, AAEP, SFT, ACT and ABVP.  Special areas of interest include the infertile mare, embryo transfer, assisted reproductive techniques (ART) and the problem stallion.  In Dr. Bradecamp’s free time, she enjoys running, riding, and traveling with her husband.


10 minutes




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