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Casper graduated as a veterinarian in 2002. After a few years in mixed rural practices, Casper returned to the University of Copenhagen first as an intern and later as a PhD fellow from 2005-2008. He was awarded his PhD for the dissertation 'Intra-articular morphine in horses - Clinical properties in lipopolysaccharide-induced synovitis' in 2009. From 2008-2011 Casper completed the ECVS standard residency programme and became a diplomate of the ECVS in 2012. He has published research within the fields of equine pain management, equine pain evaluation, colic treatment and prognosis, minimally invasive surgery and upper respiratory disease diagnosis. Casper has been part of the surgery team at Evidensia Animal Hospital in Helsingborg, Sweden since March 2012 and became Head of Equine Surgery in September 2012.
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