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Kate graduated from the Royal Vet College, London in 2005, before joining Donnington Grove in 2006 as a hospital intern, staying for 2 1/2 years. Kate then completed a 3 year residency training program in Illinois, USA in equine internal medicine achieving American board certification as a specialist in Large Animal Internal Medicine, as well as a Masters degree. She has publications in multiple peer reviewed journals and has presented at several international conferences. In 2013 she became a European Specialist in equine internal medicine and an RCVS specialist in 2014. Kate rejoined the practice in February 2013 and leads the internal medicine service. Her professional interests include gastrointestinal disease, critical care and neonatology. She also has a major interest in colic surgery and post-operative colic care. Her interests outside of work include dog walking, skiing and cooking.
47 minutes
Problems of Older Foals
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