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Marco graduated from the University of Milan in 1988 and took his first steps as a young veterinarian at Scone Equine Hospital in Australia and at the famous National Hunt Rathbarry Stud in Ireland as resident vet in Thoroughbred stud farm medicine. In 1991, he joined the “Veterinari Associati Ippovet” in Milan as an associate where he worked as a theriogenologist until 2020. Marco currently works as a theriogenologist at “Polo RiproVet Milano”. Marco’s main interest is mare gynecology and he has lectured on monitoring the health of the equine fetus using ultrasonography, gender determination in pregnant mares and treatment of infertility in mares. He is a Coordinator of SIRE (Italian Society Equine Riproduction; 2000-2002) and President of SIVE ( Italian Society of Equine Practitioners; 2008-2010). Since 2016/2017 Marco has acted as an Adjunct Professor at the Veterinary University of Milan. He is co-author of the first and second editions of the DVD "Atlante di ecografia equina" and author of two Veterinary Advances Apps, namely "Equine Reproductive Ultrasound" and "Advanced Equine Reproductive Ultrasound".
35 minutes
Diagnostic Ultrasonography
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