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Sarah graduated from Bristol University in 1983. After 4 years in general equine practice she moved to Newmarket and spent twenty years at Rossdale and Partners. She worked on the stud side of the practice where she gained her CertESM. She developed and ran the Foal Care Unit at Rossdales Equine Hospital. While at developed an interest in foal medicine and has published clinical research in this area. She then spent 3 years as a director and resident Vet to a TB stud, followed by 3 breeding seasons running reproductive services at Cheshire Equine Clinic. While was in Cheshire Sarah started to contributed to the Equine Stud Medicine modules at Liverpool University Veterinary Postgraduate Unit (VPU) . In 2016 she moved to North Yorkshire to pursue her interest in nutrition working as a veterinary nutritionist at TopSpec Equine.
Sarah joined the VPU in 2021 and continues to work as a consultant to TopSpec Equine and Hambleton Equine Clinic alongside her role as Co-ordinator of Equine Postgraduate Studies at the University of Liverpool VPU enjoying the mixture of clinical consultancy work and a role in veterinary education.
22 minutes
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