How to collect and evaluate uterine cytology samples
Dr. Karen Wolfsdorf attended veterinary school at the University of Florida and graduated in 1992. After completion of her DVM, she began an equine field service internship at North Carolina State University. In 1995, Dr. Wolfsdorf completed a residency in Theriogenology at the University of Florida and became board certified in Theriogenology. Before coming to Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, she spent time working in Australia with Dr. Pascoe at Oakey Veterinary Hospital. In 1996, Dr. Wolfsdorf joined Hagyard as an Associate and in 2002 she became one of the first two woman Members of the Practice. Dr. Wolfsdorf’s main area of interest is infertility in the mare and problems during pregnancy. She spends her time working as a field veterinarian and as a specialist at the McGee Fertility Center.
She has authored many chapters on equine reproduction as well as lectured worldwide and published research regarding progesterone, retained endometrial cups and equine twin reduction with cranio-cervical dislocation.
Dr. Wolfsdorf and her husband are involved as owners and breeders in the Thoroughbred industry and have two daughters who ride pony hunters.
17 minutes
Techniques in Reproductive Examination
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