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Dr. Melissa Fenn is originally from Tucson, Arizona, but spent most of her childhood living in South America with her family. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Arizona and then went on to graduate from Cornell University with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. Following veterinary school, she completed a rotating internship at the Mid-Atlantic Equine Medical Center before returning to Cornell for a 3-year residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine. After the residency and obtaining her board certification with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) in 2019, she moved to Doha Qatar. Here she spent a year working at the Equine Veterinary Medical Center, a busy referral hospital that provided specialized clinical services to the horses of Qatar, as well as teaching and research opportunities.
After her time abroad, Dr. Fenn moved to the heart of horse country – Lexington, Kentucky – where she worked as a clinical veterinarian and served as the Head of the Internal Medicine Department at Park Equine Hospital. Dr. Fenn is thrilled to be moving back west and join the team at LEMC! Her clinical areas of interest include emergency and critical care, neurology, and neonatology. These interests have translated over to her research focus on transfusion medicine. In her spare time, she prefers to be up in the mountains or traveling.
25 minutes
Gastrointestinal System
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