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After finishing my degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Leon, I completed my master’s degree Thesis (1994) and my PhD Thesis in the same subject in 1997. After a few years of work as field veterinarian in the army and in the mountains of northern Spain, I move to Uppsala (Sweden) for a postdoc in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Then I got a permanent position at the University of Extremadura in southwest Spain in 1999. I become diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction in 2000 and Full Professor in 2019. Currently I am the head of the Laboratory and Clinic of Equine Reproduction and Spermatology of the Department of Animal medicine of the University of Extremadura. Our goals are understanding how the interactions between sperm metabolism and redox (de) regulation of the stallion spermatozoa impacts fertility. Also, we perform translational research with the aim to improve current preservation protocols identifying molecular targets to be modified during the procedure, based on the plasticity of the stallion sperm metabolism. We combine an equine reproductive clinic with advanced techniques of molecular biology applied to the study of the spermatozoa. Also, we enjoy developing flow cytometry protocols to expand our understanding of the biology of the stallion spermatozoa and applying techniques of artificial intelligence (self-learning) in the analysis of flow cytometry data. In my free time I enjoy running, going to the gym and "nesting" at home. Former Rugby player, and Rugby fan as well.
48 minutes
Specific Techniques used in Semen Evaluation of the Stallion
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