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Recognising & Managing Non-infectious conditions of the high risk pregnant mare

Andrew J. McGladdery is a Clinical Director at Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons in Newmarket, UK. He joined Rossdales in 1988 as a Horserace Betting Levy Board resident in equine studies for a 3 year period to 1991. At the end of his residency he remained working on the stud farm side of the practice. He became a partner in the practice in 1994 and a clinical director in 2021. His main areas of responsibility include stud farm medicine (thoroughbred and non-thoroughbred) and bloodstock sales, and also clinical referrals - especially those involving gastroscopy and hysteroscopy.

His expertise also includes artificial insemination, embryo transfer and mare infertility investigations.


58 minutes




Problems of Pregnancy

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