How to understand and manage antibiotic resistance and stewardship in reproductive practice
Laura Hardefeldt is a veterinarian and veterinary scientist with an emerging national leadership role in AMS. She was awarded her doctorate in July 2018 from the University of Melbourne.
During her PhD research Laura was highly self-directed, focusing her research on antimicrobial use epidemiology and antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary practice. This resulted in completion of her PhD in 2 years, and in the publication of 8 journal articles. Work over the past 3 years has resulted in publication of a series of papers that have established the level, and appropriateness, of antimicrobial use in domestic animals in Australia. Work on antimicrobial use in companion animals has resulted in the first comprehensive understanding of population-level use anywhere in the world. She has also identified areas requiring policy change and established many of the enablers and barriers to improved antimicrobial stewardship. Laura’s significant research achievements were recognised through her appointment as a lecturer at the University of Melbourne in October 2018 and an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award in 2019. Laura has developed collaborations with industry partners Greencross (the largest corporate veterinary practice group in Australia) and PetSure Australia (under-writers of most pet insurance plans in Australia). These collaborations have allowed the pursuit of the Greencross Antimicrobial Stewardship Trial, the largest trial of antimicrobial stewardship measures to date. Laura has led research interrogating large databases to document rates and trends in antimicrobial usage by Australian veterinarians (Veterinary Microbiology, 2018). She has collaborations with the Australian Veterinary Association, the peak body for the veterinary profession as well as other representative bodies across the spectrum of veterinary practice, government organisations (Agriculture Victoria, Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment) private providers (Greencross) and national database managers (VetCompass Australia). These collaborations have resulted in extensive recognition of her research within the profession as demonstrated by frequent conference presentations and representation on panels and committees. Her research addresses critical gaps in the field of veterinary AMS in Australia and internationally. As a result of her research, Laura has produced a webpage with evidence-based, practical advice for veterinarians in Australia on antimicrobial use and antimicrobial stewardship implementation (see below). In addition, she developed antimicrobial use guidelines, which have been introduced in over 200 veterinary practices nationally. Her research has improved awareness of inappropriate antimicrobial use and provided practical steps for veterinarians to improve their antimicrobial prescribing practices.
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