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Dr. Rana Bozorgmanesh studied veterinary medicine at The Royal Veterinary College in London, graduating with Honors in 2008. She also attained an intercalated degree in veterinary conservation medicine, from the University of Liverpool, during that time. She went on to complete an internship in a large private practice in the UK, before four Thoroughbred breeding seasons traveling between the UK, Australia and the Middle East. She then completed a year-long internal medicine fellowship at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute followed by a large animal internal medicine residency at UC Davis, California, during which time she was awarded The Rowan Fellowship by The California Thoroughbred Foundation for her contributions to research. She stayed on at UC Davis following her residency, as Associate Veterinarian in the Equine Internal Medicine Department before moving back to Kentucky. Her interests include ophthalmology, transfusion medicine, gastrointestinal disease, neonatal medicine and medical management of the critical broodmare. She is currently working on manuscripts regarding rib fractures in equine neonates, fecal transfaunation in adult horses and validation of an equine platelet concentrate; as well as book chapters on Serum Amyloid A, Methemoglobinemia and Heinz Body Anemia.
28 minutes
Gastrointestinal System
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