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CertEP, CertEM(StudMed), Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS
Nigel Woodford CertEP CertEM(StudMed) Dip ECVS MRCVS is a recognised European Specialist in Equine Surgery. He has worked predominantly in the UK, in equine practice, for over 30 years, both visiting stables and within equine hospitals. He had sole veterinary charge of a large thoroughbred stud farm in The Hunter Valley, Australia, worked in the equine hospitals at the vet schools in Pretoria, South Africa and at the University of Bristol Teaching Hospital.
He has also worked in private equine hospitals in the south, the west and in Newmarket. He has been lucky enough to work at Badminton Horse Trials on cross country day as part of the veterinary team since 1991 and has also been lucky enough to work as part of the team at Lingfield Park Racecourse. He became a boarded equine surgeon in 2006. Equine veterinary work is a major part of his life.
34 minutes
Female Urogenital Surgery
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