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DVM, PhD, B.V.Sc., M.A.C.V.Sc.
Dr. Peter Huntington received a veterinary degree from the University of Melbourne in 1981 and then worked in equine practice in Berwick, Victoria. He joined the Department of Agriculture (Victoria) as the horse specialist veterinary officer. While with the Department of Agriculture, he conducted research and investigation into the nutrition of horses.
Dr. Huntington is an external lecturer and examiner at the University of Melbourne Veterinary Science program and holds numerous other appointments in the horse industry. He is a past president and editor of the Australian Equine Veterinary Association and has been a Trustee of the Australian Horse Industry Council for a number of years. In 1993 he joined Rhone-Poulenc Animal Nutrition (RPAN) as Director of Equine Nutrition to spearhead their horse nutrition division. This commenced a relationship with Kentucky Equine Research, who provided consultancy services to RPAN. In 1999, Kentucky Equine Research established an Australasian operation with Dr. Huntington as Director of Equine Nutrition.
44 minutes
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