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James graduated from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh in 2001. After four years in mixed practice he travelled between the hemispheres working for a number of years in specialist stud practice in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. In 2010 he was awarded the RCVS certificate in Equine Stud Medicine and in 2011 became a lecturer at Liverpool University examining the stud medicine certificate since 2012.
James has published work on many topics relevant to clinical practitioners including material on breeding soundness evaluation, infectious disease, peri-partum problems, ovarian abnormalities, oestrus suppression, persistent endometrial cups, management of spring transition and twin pregnancy. James continues to perform and publish practice based research and collaborates widely. In 2013, he became director of Equine Reproductive Services (UK) Limited growing and developing a busy first opinion and referral equine practice in Yorkshire. James is recognised as an Advanced Practitioner in Equine Stud Medicine, he is a current BEVA council member and trustee of the International Equine Reproduction Trust.
James has made a sustained and significant contribution to veterinary professional development with formal and informal teaching and assessment of post graduates. James has organised and delivered many CPD courses and congresses in the UK and Europe and has delivered presentations on material ranging from basic to advanced topics around the World. In 2022, his efforts were recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons who awarded James with a Fellowship for meritorious contributions to clinical practice.
41 minutes
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