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Select Breeders Service
Paul founded Select Breeders Services in 1987 with the belief that equine breeders needed a reliable source for the burgeoning artificial insemination technology. Beginning with a single laboratory and the willingness to travel throughout the United States to work with forward thinking breeders of Warmblood Sporthorses, and Standardbred racehorses, SBS quickly developed a reputation for quality service and superior technology. Paul's vision of a network of regional semen freezing laboratories is being realized as the SBS Network grows throughout the world.
45 minutes
Specific Techniques used in Semen Evaluation of the Stallion
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Qualified Vet
$ 45.00
Veterinary Student (Requires proof of status)
$ 18.00
Intern/Resident/PhD (Requires proof of status)
$ 34.00
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