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Charlotte is a specialist in Internal Medicine, who joined our hospital medicine team team in August 2019.
She graduated from the University of Cambridge Veterinary school in 2012 and commenced an internship in equine medicine and surgery at the Dubai Equine Hospital. Following this she went on to complete a year working in equine private practice in Australia, after which she undertook a fellowship in internal medicine at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute in Kentucky, USA.
On completion of her fellowship, she moved to California to complete a 3-year residency in large animal internal medicine at the University of Davis, California and was awarded ACVIM diplomate status in 2018. She subsequently remained at UC Davis as a staff veterinarian in equine medicine and field service prior to joining Rossdales. She became an RCVS recognised Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine in 2021.
Charlotte is interested in all areas of medicine but particularly enjoys neonatal medicine, and investigating respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological diseases.
44 minutes
Specific Diagnostic and Management Techniques
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$ 14.00
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$ 26.00
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