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How to perform and interpret perinatal echocardiograms (ECGs)

Celia M Marr graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1985 and her clinical career has focused on Cardiovascular Medicine, Internal Medicine, Intensive Care & Medical Imaging, and she has held positions in the University of Pennsylvania, University of Cambridge and the Royal Veterinary College and worked in racehorse practice in Lambourn. Currently, she is based at Rossdales Equine Hospital and Diagnostic Centre in Newmarket. Celia has published widely on medical disorders of the horse. She is a Diplomate of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine, Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Honorary Member of British Equine Veterinary Association, Honorary Professor of the University of Glasgow and Editor-in-Chief of Equine Veterinary Journal.


38 minutes




Cardiovascular system

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