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How to perform a reproductive examination in the mare

Dr. Margo Macpherson received her DVM degree in 1990 from Michigan State University. She completed a residency and Master’s degree in Equine Theriogenology at Texas A&M University followed by practice at the University of Pennsylvania and central Kentucky. Dr. Macpherson is presently a Professor in the section of Reproduction at the University of Florida. She is interested in all aspects of equine reproduction, but has a special interest in problems affecting late pregnancy in the mare, most notably placentitis.

As a Diplomate and Past President of the American College of Theriogenologists, and most recently, the American Association of Equine Practitioners, Dr. Macpherson is dedicated to advancing equine/large animal veterinary medicine and supporting young veterinarians as they grow their own passion for the profession.


24 minutes




Techniques in Reproductive Examination

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