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How to manage angular limb deformities

Dr. Freeland grew up in agriculture in southwest Louisiana. He attended Louisiana State University earning a bachelor’s degree in wildlife ecology and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. After graduating he spent a year in a general and referral large animal private practice in Colorado as an intern. Following his internship, Dr. Freeland worked in upstate New York in general and referral equine practice prior to starting a large animal surgery residency. Dr. Freeland was trained in soft tissue and orthopedic surgery as well as sports medicine at the University of Wisconsin. During this time, he also performed research in the area of equine wound management. Dr. Freeland has a special interest in orthopedics and lameness in the performance horse. He is a board-certified large animal surgeon by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He is a member of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, American Association of Bovine Practitioners, and the American Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Freeland spent four years in private practice in Texas prior to being hired by Hagyard Equine Medical Institute. 

Outside of practice, Dr. Freeland enjoys the outdoors, spending most of his free time hunting, fishing, flying, and diving.


38 minutes




Musculoskeletal System

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