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How to study sperm-oviduct interactions that enable fertilization

Bart Leemans graduated veterinary studies in 2010 at the Ghent University in Belgium. In 2015, he finished his PhD after a successful collaboration between Ghent and Utrecht Universities. His PhD project was entitled: `Novel insights in stallion sperm capacitation: What is the role of the oviduct?’ In 2016, Bart started his first postdoc project at the Texas A&M University (USA) working on dynamics of equine sperm capacitation triggered by Ca-ionophore. From 2017 to 2020, Bart embarked on his second postdoc project, as a result of a collaboration between Ghent and Utrecht Universities, developing an equine oviduct-on -a-chip. From 2020 to 2022, Bart was resident  in the equine reproduction clinic at the Utrecht University, The Netherlands and became recently a European specialist in equine theriogenology (ECAR diplomate). Currently, Bart is assistant professor at the Utrecht University.


24 minutes




Anatomy, Physiology and Endocrinology

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