Ed L. Squires

MS, PhD, ACT(hon)

United States of America

Dr. Edward Squires is adjunct  Professor in the Department of Veterinary Science and past Director of the UK Ag Equine program at the University of Kentucky and the Director of the Gluck foundation . Prior to moving to Lexington, Ky, Squires was a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University (CSU) for 33 years. He has been the editor of the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science for 15 years

Dr. Squires was a pioneer in developing the techniques of embryo collection and embryo transfer. Subsequently, techniques were developed for storage of equine embryos for 24 hoursat 5oC. This technology is now used to ship hundreds of embryos nationally each year. Other areas of research include reproductive endocrinology of the non-pregnant and pregnant mare, hormonal regulation of the estrous cycle and preservation of stallion semen. His most recent research has centered on development of assisted reproductive techniques such as oocyte collection and transfer, oocyte maturation, in vitro fertilization, embryo freezing, superovulation and sexed semen. While at CSU he developed a team that produced the first foal from sperm injection in the USA and the first foal from a frozen embryo and frozen oocyte. He has published over 384 articles in refereed Journals and 20 chapters in text books and is one of the Editors for the very popular text, Equine Reproduction second edition by McKinnon, Squires, Varner and Valla . He has served as a paid consultant for many of the major pharmaceutical companies and currently is a Large Animal Specialist for Vetoquinol,USA and Co- owner of two reproductive start-up companies.

He is past chairman of the International Symposium on Equine Reproduction, has hosted this Symposium twice and is currently Editor for the proceedings of this meeting. He has also hosted the International Symposium on Equine Embryo transfer and the International Symposium on Stallion Reproduction. He currently resides in Ft Collins Colorado.

Ed L. Squires

MS, PhD, ACT(hon)

United States of America

Ed L. Squires

MS, PhD, ACT(hon)