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Common equine reproductive problems from a legal perspective

Jonathan is a world-renown expert in equine reproduction based in Yorkshire, England. He is a prolific publisher of papers and book chapters on equine reproduction, and edited the iconinc text, Equine Reproduction and Stud Medicine. He has worked successfully in private practice (developed his own first opinion and referral equine reproduction practice from scratch) as well as teaching and research. Jonathan has been a Member of Council of BEVA for 9 years and currently President Elect.  An enthusiastic provider of CPD, he delivers around 65 days of CPD annually, both within the UK and overseas.  He has contributed as a speaker or chairman of a session at every BEVE Congress for the last 25 years and is responsible for the BEVA Reproductive Ultrasound Course, which has been a sold-out course annually for the last 20 years.

In 2012, Jonathan became an Equine Claims Consultant for the Veterinary Defence Society in the UK, in which capacity he has acted as an expert witness on many occasions. Jonathan’s main veterinary interests include ultrasonography, breeding the problem mare, and artificial insemination. His well-recognised sense of humour makes him a popular speaker at CPD events world-wide, and a very relaxed and relatable practical instructor.


29 minutes





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