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How to breed with frozen semen and deep horn artificial insemination (AI)

Upon graduating from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the National University in Colombia, Dr. Samper worked in private dairy and equine practice for a couple of years in his home country and subsequently he earned his Master’s and PhD at the University of Minnesota which focused on reproductive physiology and clinical reproduction. He then became a board-certified specialist in Theriogenology. From there he accepted a faculty position at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Three years later he joined a mixed practice in Vancouver BC as an associate, and a year and a half later he started his own practice, as a solo practitioner, which later grew into a multi-vet practice, which he sold after 25 years. He has also worked as an associate professor at Kansas State University and in industry for Sexing Technologies. In 2014 he joined the faculty at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine where he worked as an associate dean for clinical affairs and professional opportunities at mentoring and monitoring the progress of the clinical year veterinary students in all their clinical affiliates around the world. Currently, Dr. Samper is a professor and serves as the associate dean for academic and student affairs at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Florida.


49 minutes





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