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DVM, PhD, MSc, CertVRep, Dipl.ECAR (Equine)
Juan graduated in Veterinary Medicine in Murcia (Spain) in 2003, and did his MSc in Equine Science in the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) in 2006. He completed his Residency in Large Animals Theriogenology in the Royal Veterinary College (University of London, 2008) under the co-supervision of Prof. John R. Newcombe, and became a Diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction (Dipl. ECAR, Equine) in 2009. Finalized his PhD in 2010 in the University of Helsinki supervised by Prof. Terttu Katila. Juan worked as Assistant Professor in Equine Reproduction at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad UCH-CEU in Valencia, Spain (2010 to 2016) and in the Veterinary School of Utrecht University, The Netherlands from 2016 to 2019. During his time in academia, he completed several research placements in different laboratories over the world working with Prof. Terttu Katila (Helsinki, Finland), Prof. O.J. Ginther (Wisconsin, USA) and Prof. Luis Losinno and Javier Aguilar (Rio Cuarto, Argentina). After his time in The Netherlands, he worked as stud veterinarian during two breeding seasons in Australia and Sweden. Currently he is working again as Assistant Professor in Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, in Spain. His research and clinical interests are breeding management of mares, anovulatory disorders, induction of ovulation, ultrasonography of the corpus luteum, embryo transfer and ovum pick-up in mares, amongst others. He has published over 60 articles on equine reproduction in international indexed JCR journals and lectured in numerous international congresses on equine reproduction over the world indexed
39 minutes
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