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Professor Derek Knottenbelt is a specialist in equine internal medicine and a Diplomat of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine. Derek retired from a personal chair in Equine Medicine at the University of Liverpool in 2010 having run a sarcoid referral service for over 20 years.
Derek established Equine Medical Solutions Ltd and offers a consultancy service for vets in equine oncology and other challenging clinical conditions. His main interests are in oncology, ophthalmology, wound management and dermatology. He is the primary author of 10 equine veterinary text books and over 100 refereed scientific papers.
He received the Animal Health Trust Scientific Award in 2003, the BEVA (Blue Cross) Welfare award in 2004 and the Merk -WEVA Welfare Award in 2006.
In 2005 he received the OBE from the Queen for his services to Equine Medicine. In 2018 he was awarded the RCVS Inspiration Award, and in 2019 he was awarded an honorary membership of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in recognition of his lifetime’s contribution towards the improvement of the health and welfare of the horse worldwide.
Derek is actively involved in animal and human charity work both in UK and abroad and is a founder member of the Vets with Horsepower team raising money for charity through provision of high quality CPD to vets and horse owners.
1 hour 4 minutes
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