Camilo Hernández-Avilés


United States of America

Camilo Hernández-Avilés received his DVM at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (National University of Colombia) in 2018, and his PhD in Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University in 2022. His doctoral dissertation, “Studies on the acrosome function in sperm from fertile and subfertile stallions” combined both clinical studies on acrosome dysfunction as a cause of “idiopathic subfertility” in stallions, the validation of flow cytometric-based assays for acrosome function analysis in stallion sperm, and the use of mass spectrometry-based technologies to identify proteins as candidate markers for acrosome function and dysfunction in fertile and subfertile stallions. Currently, he is a Senior Resident in Equine Theriogenology at theDepartment of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. His clinical and research interests are mostly focused on stallion reproduction, ranging from the study of stallion sperm physiology during fertilization, including sperm capacitation, acrosomal exocytosis, and sperm-oocyte interactions; the use of molecular biology techniques applied to the study of sperm function and stallion fertility; the validation of flow cytometry-based techniques for stallion sperm analysis in clinical settings; the effects of semen extender components and storage methods on the quality of cooled and frozen/thawed stallion sperm; and the diagnosis and management of reproductive conditions in stallions. 

Camilo Hernández-Avilés