United States of America
Dr. Carleigh Fedorka is a global expert in reproductive immunology, she has focused her research on understanding the relationship between the immune system and the reproductive tract, evaluating the efficacy of immune-therapies on various reproductive disorders, and discovering immune-related biomarkers for reproductive health. Dr. Fedorka earned her BS degree from St. Lawrence University and her PhD in Veterinary Sciences from the University of Kentucky after working in industry as a manager of a commercial Thoroughbred breeding farm. She maintains a presence in the Thoroughbred industry by retraining countless off the track thoroughbreds, including her personal event horses Judge Johnny (JJ) and Strike Two (Jeter).
22 minutes
35 minutes
Fri, 07 January,2022
Thu, 01 January,1970
Wed, 08 February,2023
18 hrs
18 hr
32 minutes
23 minutes
Fri, 08 September,2023
Sat, 24 February,2018
14.5 (RACE...
Tue, 30 December,2025
Sat, 03 May,2025
15 hours
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