United Kingdom
University of Glasgow
Kirsty graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2006 and then ventured to Australia to do an equine internship at Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital. She later completed a Theriogenology residency at Cornell University in the USA during 2012, with a focus on equine reproduction and passed exams to become a Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists. She has also worked in general equine practice in both Australia and the UK. Her last role was working at the University of Adelaide, Equine Health and Performance Centre as a lecturer and clinician. Kirsty is also doing a part-time PhD on the topic of equine uterine health.
She is kept busy in her spare time with two young daughters, a springer spaniel called Henley and a Palomino gelding named Parker.
35 minutes
Fri, 07 January,2022
Thu, 01 January,1970
Wed, 08 February,2023
18 hrs
18 hr
32 minutes
23 minutes
Fri, 08 September,2023
Sat, 24 February,2018
14.5 (RACE...
Tue, 30 December,2025
Sat, 03 May,2025
15 hours
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